The Academy Exchange: HIV Today & Tomorrow
The Academy Exchange: HIV Today & Tomorrow
Women & HIV
Heterosexual women are not the typical demographic that is targeted in HIV research and treatments. But their risk factors for HIV are different and require unique methods to address. Bruce and clinical HIV Specialist™ Dr. William R. Short discuss the needs of women and HIV with a focus on women who are pregnant or may become pregnant.
For more information about the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry, visit http://www.apregistry.com/.
About Dr. Short:
William R. Short, MD, MPH, FIDSA, AAHIVS, is an Associate Professor of Medicine with a secondary appointment for Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He serves as Associate Director of AIDS Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Pennsylvania and Co-Director of the Clinical Core at the Penn Center for AIDS Research.
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